Thursday, December 11, 2008


Some of the poems I wrote are kinda about me. Some are just about other things. One of my favorite poems I wrote was the Autobiographical poem because it was easy to write. All I had to do was write about me. Like the things I like, how I am, who supports me in life. I like to write rhyming poems because I can write a word and then try to figure out another word that rhymes with that word. I learned poetry can be fun and boring at the same time. The fun part was writing the poems and the boring part was learning poetry terms and the types of poems there are.

Analysis Poem

Green Shoots pushing through
The cracked concrete pavement
Have faith in sun and sky
And hope for good
As they proclaim the ecstasy of rosedom
From the redbrick tenements
My warrior angle tongue
Roaring fury
No longer through a glass darkly
But with the clarity of I am
And I love
I proclaim
I am a man
I found a few words we need to know. They are Evanglist-any one of the authors of the four New Testament gospel books, Ecstasy-intense joy or delight, Clarity-clearness of appearance, Tenements-a building for human habitation, esp. one rented to tenants. This poem is literally about him becoming a man. Its title is relevant because having faith you might become a man. The author uses metaphor and personification. Some examples are Roaring fury and My warrior angle tongue. The poem's form is free verse. The speaker of the poem is Jimmy wall because he uses I. The shift occurs when No longer through a glass darkly because if you believe in god you could become a man. The tone of this poem is proud. I interpreted the theme as believeing in faith you will be a man. The following subjects and symbols helped me come to this conclusion that if you believe strongly in your faith you will be a man.

Double Trio Poem

Had bad pain
Started off in brain
To the hospital by train

Thought I was insane
In bed I remain
Turned out a bad migrane

Spine Poem

A very historical
Tale about a big mafia war
Of a fued between
Two leaders that want to take over many
Cities in the United States.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

ABC Poem

A Big Crater Destroyed Earth
For Good
However It Jumped Kansas
Literally Missing
Near One Perfect
Quite Rare Salina Town
Unbelievably Various

Winds Xamine & Yield Zones.

Haiku Poem

Red and Yellow leaves

Autum is coming to town

Fall has just arrived

Manipulative Poem

You dream of art.
I imagine many colors.
I live to draw.
I like the beauty of art.
Green and blue capture my attention.

Borrowed Poem

I think that I shall never see.
The big and beautiful sea.

I wish i could catch fish.
Then eat as a nice dish.

The fish will make a good meal.
That will be a good done deal.

Synonym Poem

Twitch, sting, pang, ache
The worst painv is when you have a headache.

Protagonist, daredevil
A hero is never a rebel.

Imitation Poem

We drive straight. We
arrive late. We

Leave at night. We
saw no light. We

Got to drive. We
then arrive. We

Feel bad. We
aren't glad.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Autobiographical poem

Black hair, brown eyes, tall
Who loves to play soccer, playstation, and get on the computer
Who feels the love and support of his family
Who needs sleep, food, and love
Who gives help and support
Who fears dieing and not seeing his family ever again
Who'd like to go to outer space
Who dreams of what is going to occur in the future
A student of hope

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Acrostic Poem

M exico is a beautiful country with
E xcellent food to eat and
X citing views to see because
I t is always warm outside in
C ancun and there are many
O ptions to do in Mexico